• Photography Internships

    Photography Internships - Description

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    Photography internships provide on-the-job training for photography enthusiasts. Students who have majored or earned a degree in photography are given an opportunity to showcase their skills in photography.  Often times, photography internships are high-demanding that is typically unpaid. It can entail a lot of tasks beyond taking pictures. An intern should not expect to be only taking photographs during the internship. One has to start from the bottom and that would mean working as an assistant, answering phone calls, jotting down notes, and even manning the reception area. Still, there are other kinds of photography internships other than the usual clerical job that the student can start with. Some companies offer family photography, portrait photography, wildlife photography, and fine art or creative photography internships.

    Examples of Photography Internships:

    • Portrait Photography Internships – is for those who have learned and mastered taking photos of subject’s face as the focal point in a picture instead of putting emphasis on the subject’s background. This kind of photography enhances a photographer’s visual skill and knowledge in lenses of various kinds. A portrait photography intern captures the many facial expressions of the subject during the entire photo shoot. The photography intern will develop skills in taking great photographs indoors and outdoors.

    • Family Photography Internships – hones the intern’s talents and skills in taking family portraits. This will also require an intern to learn and showcase his directing skills that involve creating a theme for the photography session. He should be able to build an atmosphere conducive to taking family pictures especially if it includes young and rowdy children. It takes a patient and pleasant personality to get into family photography, and being able to deal with different people.
    • Wildlife Photography Internships – is the kind of training that provides travel opportunities. Wildlife photography internships focus on taking pictures of wild animals and plants. The intern has to be able to capture photos of how a wild animal lives, how it adapts to its environment and how it interacts with all the other animals around it. This kind of internship can be life-threatening for an intern especially if he doesn’t know how to respect the wildlife. A simple interest in wildlife will not be enough. The intern should love and embrace all aspects of plants and animals to become a great wildlife photographer.

    Photography internships can be expensive because an intern has to invest in quality photography equipment, pay for classes/lessons, and even pay for travel expenses or preparations for possible outdoor photo shoots, exhibits and even competition registration fees. Please visit InternMatch for a list of available photography internships near you.

    Benefits of Photography Internships

    While photography internships may require some administrative tasks, they can be quite rewarding. Interns may be given the opportunity to travel to other cities or countries, compete with other photographers, join exhibits, and get learn from established photographers and studio owners. In addition, photography interns will also learn the business side of photography which will benefit them if they plan on doing freelance work or opening their own studio.

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